2020 Suzhou International Tourism Expo

On the morning of November 6th, the opening ceremony of Suzhou International Tourism Expo 2020 and the launching ceremony of winter Suzhou tourism season, sponsored by Suzhou Tourism Federation, under the guidance of Suzhou Municipal Bureau of culture, radio, television and tourism, and hosted by Qianteng Exhibition (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., and cooperated by the United Nations World Tourism Organizatio

GODFREE ROBERTS: What’s actually happening in Xinjiang

America and its allies, under the guise of the War on Terror and humanitarian intervention, have droned, bombed and killed millions of Muslim children, women and civilians in a dozen of countries from Afghanistan to Yemen, and displaced millions more. In 2011 President Obama ordered the execution of Anwar al Awlaki, an American extremist preacher, for preaching the same kind of Wahabbist extremism

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