Waki Relic Museum Held An Exhibition Of The Relics Of The Lord Buddha And His Disciples At United Kingdom


(WAki International Media Center 8th June) From 25th December until 01st January 2023, Waki Relic Musuem was holding the exhibition of the relics of the Lord Buddha and His Disciples at Wat Mahathat Kings Bromley, Staffordshire, Headquarters of World Buddhist Dhammaduta Organisation, Plymouth and Wat Buddhapadipa Temple in London, United Kingdom.

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The Relic Exhibition main organised and led by the most respected Venerable Chao Khun Laow Panyasiri (The chairman of World Buddhist Dhammaduta Organisation, the Abbot of Wat Buddhapadipa Temple and Wat Mahathat King Bromleys). Many devotees of different nationalities such as Thai, Malaysian, Singaporean, Chinese, Pakistan, Indian, Nepalese and English visited and came to pay homage to the sacred relics. During the exhibition, Venerable Chao Khun Laow led the devotees to chant, circumambulate besides explaining the significance of relics that has boosted the understanding in the devotees on the history of the relics and faith in Buddhism.

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The exhibition provided the golden opportunity to lay devotees to visit and pay homage the Lord Buddha and his disciples’ relics after 2,500 years. The relics are the tooth relic of Buddha, the Hair Relic of Buddha, The Brains and Blood Relics of Buddha, The Bone Relic of Buddha, The Skin Relic of Buddha and The Relics of the Buddha Disciples.

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Relics are the holy veneration from the Buddha and his disciples for devotees to enshrine and pay homage. The late Sayadaw U Kittivara said that the relics of buddha and his disciples represents the ray of light that lights up the whole world and connect the global Buddhists in this new era salute to and recite the great virtues of the Buddha.

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The Waki Relic Pagodas have enshrined in many countries such as Myanmar, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, India, America, Norway, New Zealand, England, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Singapore, China, Philippines , Germany, Belgium, Vatican in Italy and 22 provinces in Indonesia. The president of WAKi Relic Museum , Dr. Teo Choo Guan strongly believe that when we have completed the enshrinement of the 84,000 Waki relic pagodas in the temples and pagodas all over the world, the teachings of Buddhism will flourish and will bequeath the future generations the chances to enshrine and pay respect to the Buddha Relics.

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