The Ascension Ceremony of 3000Kg and 3.5m Brass Buddha and 132 small Buddha Statute, Segamat Buddhist Society.


(WAki International Media Center 18th March) The speech of President of Segamat Buddhist Society, Ms. Subha See on 22nd January 2022.

Good afternoon to Chief Rev. B.Sri.Saranankara Maha Thera (chief adhikarana sangha nayaka(judiciary) monk of malaysia; chief monk of sri lanka Buddhist temple, sentul kl , Rev Chee Teck (Advisor of SBS Youth Group and Sangha member), Dr. Teo Choo Guan (SBS Advisor and the president of Waki Relic Musuem), Mr. Ng Kim Char (SBS Advisor), Representative for Tan Sri Datuk Tan Beng Tong, Datuk-datuk and Datin- datin, the main sponsors, all committees, volunteers, well-wishers and reporters.

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Today is indeed a big day for the Segamat Buddhist Society. The auspicious ceremony of the ascension of the Buddha statue. The statue is designed by SBS committee it is 3.5m high and weighs 3000kg, made of bronze in China. Also we are indeed blessed to have Buddha’s skin relics, bone relics, brain relics, blood relics for our grand Buddha and Buddha and Arahant relics for all the mini statues. This grand Buddha statue and the relics are donated by Dr Teo Choo Guan our advisor.

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SBS was founded in 1986, this year is our 36th year anniversary. All these years we run a lot of activities such as Chanting and Dharma talks for the adults, dharma classes and camps for the teenagers and school children. During this Covid-19 pandemic, we have weekly online Dharma classes and Chanting. The SBS is also running an international program under Kementerian Belia dan Sukan - ARPRM, which offers 30 gold awards for 3 races. It is also known as the International Award for the young people: The Duke of Edinburgh Award.

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We have decided to build this building after going through 2 big floods which caused a lot of damages to its structure and foundation. We were indeed grateful to all the sponsors of mini Buddha statues (RM10k, RM20k and above). Be it be in the form of cash or material, without all your support we will not be able to move into this brand new building in 3 years' time. The cost of the building is RM2.5million and we have almost reached our target. We have another 16 mini Buddha statues for RM20k and 40 mini Buddha statues for RM10k.We hope you will kindly help us to hit the target soon.

A golden buddha statue

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From today onwards, the mini Buddha statues will be lighted on every new and full moon and special Buddhist Festivals. We hope you will support our yearly lamp offering of RM135 per year and you may register at the counter. Once again we thank all who have donated to the building fund and those who have joined and supported our activities. Once again a big thank you to the Chief Reverend, Reverend Chee Teck , and Sangha members for the blessing ceremony and may the blessings of triple gems be with us now and forever. I would like to wish everyone in advance a happy Chinese New Year, may our wishes come true in this Chinese New Year.

Namo Buddhaya, Namo Dharmaya, Namo Sanghaya, Thank you.

A group of people posing for a photo in front of a statue

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